Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Catch of the Day

I'd like to get in to posting more often, not just sticking to article based only content.

So in the spirit of posting because I want to and keeping up health and nutrition, here's last nights dinner!

Step 1 - Catch

Step 2 - Clean and Prepare

Step 3 - Eat!
I went on a two day fishing trip out of San Diego this past week, caught plenty of bluefin tuna, yellowtail, and dorado!

11oz of seared seasoned tuna, 2 cups of white rice

The only thing I missed is some greens, otherwise 1 hand sized portion of protein and 2 fists of carbs - perfect!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Bridal Fitness Part 2

Ah part 2, apologies for those of you who were expecting to throw your shoes on and get a new gym membership - you're not ready for that yet!

What we will start with can take place completely at home - and I'm not a big fan of throwing out cookie cutter programs. But we'll go over the basic movements that will initially be a part of your workouts, there will only be a handful but you don't need to be swimming in variety just yet. You need to progress a lot and quickly on a few key moves before we jump in to anything else.

For those of you new to exercise as well as those who aren't, it will pretty much look the same as the rep ranges will be a little open for room to progress. But more on that later

Now ideally everyone will have access to a chin up bar or even an assisted chin machine in the case of most gyms, aside from that you only need your body and some space. If you don't have a gym membership or a pull up bar don't worry I'll address that later. Buuut you may want to consider just how important getting healthy and looking good is to you if you aren't willing to spend at the minimum like 25 dollars for a doorway pull up bar or a baseline gym membership to a local gym (if you really want to get a handle on it then drop me an email at jpduprefit@gmail.com .

This post will just contain an overview of the movements we will be doing -

Bodyweight squats -

Remember 3 things to a perfect squat -

  1. Keep your chest up - puff it up like King Kong (it'll keep your back straight)
  2. Start the movement with your butt - push your butt back not down, like you were going to sit in a chair and you aren't sure if you are close enough!
  3. Push your knees out - that is spread them apart so we have room to fit down there!

Pushups -

Recline rows or chin ups -

If you have access to a squat rack where you can lay the bar on the pins and do rows that way it would be preferred since most cannot start with chins, do the recline rows with an overhand grip. OR if you have the ability to grab a chin bar and get help or jump up into the top position - THEN work on negatives which would be to get to the top any way you can (step stool / jump / assistance) and lower yourself as slowly as possible till your arms ar totally straight - Don't let your shoulders come up towards your ears though, keep them pull down and back.

If you go the route of negatives go easy and only do a few reps per workout as you will be very sore the first few times as the negative or eccentric portion of any movement is where muscle damage occurs almost completely!

Knee raises -

Again find something to hang from and just bring your knees to your chest or as high as you can without swinging!

Lunges -

Lunges are self explanatory, take as big a step as you comfortably can and drive off the heel of the front foot. Then stand up with both feet together before stepping with the next foot as opposed to Ambers big steps, many people lack the flexibility and balance to take big steps one after another so we'll just not worry about it.

Well that caps it off for today - next time we will put it together in a program for you to follow and then we will get into some diet philosophy as well!

I tried to keep explanations as simple as possible for those who may not have ever stepped in a gym, next time we'll put together a routine and talk for those who have some experience in the gym already, any questions or more scientific explanations or even to talk more specific about anything drop a comment or send an email!